Asset Valuation

What’s the Fryingpan-Arkansas Project worth?

It’s not a philosophical question, but a bricks-and-mortar look at the physical assets of the Project.

The Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District is undertaking an Asset Valuation to gain a clear understanding of the value of Project assets. While those assets are owned by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, the District pays more than half of the operations, maintenance, and replacement for project structures.

That includes five reservoirs, and almost 90 miles of tunnels all approaching 50 years of age.

The follow-up to the Asset Valuation study will be a Condition Assessment. This will give the District a better idea of how quickly reserve funds might be needed should the need for repairs arise. 

  • Fryingpan-Arkansas Project Vicinity Map, March 17, 2017.
  • Fryingpan-Arkansas Project, Summary of Separable Construction Costs, Facilities with Reimbursable Components, 12/28/1995 , Bureau of Reclamation.
  • Table II-3, Tunnel Data.
  • Table II-4, Fryingpan-Arkansas Project Conduits, Length-Diameter-Capacity-Width-Clearing
  • Fryingpan-Arkansas Project History, 1963-1975 (Hard Copies only available in District Office)

The contract for Asset Valuation was awarded to Providence Infrastructure Consultants, by the District’s Executive Committee on March 19, 2020. A final report is expected by July 1, 2020.