Eastern Colorado is part of the shortgrass prairie region of the Great Plains with grama grass and buffalo grass making up 70% to 90% of all plant life. This semi-arid land is in the rain shadow of the Rocky Mountains and because of that it does not typically support trees except along creeks and rivers where there is more moisture. As you go up in elevation into the foothills and mountains you will see that there is much more precipitation that can support large forests and different plant ecosystems. Some of these higher elevation plants can grow in our gardens with supplemental watering and/or correct placement. With a bit of planning you can have a very diverse garden using only native plants if you like.

Local wildlife and pollinators have evolved alongside native plants and depend on each other to survive. As more and more of the landscape is developed by humans it is important that we help maintain the natural balance by incorporating these native plants into our gardens. Their resilience to local conditions conserves water, enriches soil, and reduces the need for excessive maintenance. Nature's own design has taken millennia to create this landscape and we should take inspiration from it when designing our own gardens.
The buzzing of bees and the fluttering of butterflies are not just sights and sounds of nature - they are essential forces of life. Through pollination, these remarkable creatures enable plants to reproduce, ensuring the continuation of our landscapes and the food systems we depend upon.
Birds and small mammals play a crucial role in plant ecosystems through seed dispersal. As these animals consume fruits and nuts, they inadvertently transport seeds to new locations, aiding in the colonization of diverse habitats. This process enhances plant genetic diversity, fosters plant growth, and supports ecosystem resilience by ensuring the spread of plant species and the renewal of plant populations. In this symbiotic relationship, they contribute significantly to the health and vitality of plant communities.
By emulating the wisdom embedded within the natural world, we embark on a journey to create gardens that echo nature's harmonious and enduring design.

Here you will find a list of important native plants to consider for your garden.

Quercus gambelii - Gambel Oak, Forestiera pubescens - New Mexico Olive, Juniperus monosperma - One-seed Juniper, Prunus americana - American Plum

Ribes aureum - Golden Currant, Rubus deliciosus - Rocky Mountain Raspberry, Ericameria nauseosa - Rubber Rabbitbrush

Aquilegia elegantula - Western Red Columbine, Dieteria canescens - Hoary Tasnyaster, Coreopsis lanceolata - Lance-leaved Coreopsis, Penstemon strictus - Rocky Mountain Penstemon

Helianthus annuus - Common Sunflower, Cleomella serrulata - Rocky Mountain Beeplant, Gaillardia pulchella - Firewheel

Bouteloua gracilis - Blue Grama, Schizachyrium scoparium - Little Bluestem, Aristida purpurea - Purple Threeawn
Learn More:
SECWCD - Recommended Plants: Perennials and Annuals
SECWCD - Recommended Plants: Grasses, Cacti, Succulents, Agaves & Yuccas
SECWCD - Recommended Shrubs
SECWCD - Recommended Trees
U.S. National Park Service - Planting for Pollinators
National Wildlife Federation - Keystone Native Plants: Great Plains
Colorado Native Plant Society - Low Water Native Plants for Pollinators
Denver Audubon - Native Plants for Birds
Xerces Society - Native Plants for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects: Southern Plains
Xerces Society - Native Plants for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects: Rocky Mountains
Xerces Society - Native Plants for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects: SW Plateaus
Colorado State University Extension - Front Range Tree Recommendation List
City of Pueblo - Recommended Plant List